I have been thinking about this subject quite a lot lately. My novel
is definitely fiction, but it does take place in a real time and place.
What is my responsibility for keeping to the facts of history, real
places and events, etc.? In the beginning of my novel, I put in a sort
of "disclaimer", reminding the reader that this is a work of fiction and
should be read as such. When a review of my novel was done by posted on
a Vietnam Veterans of America website, the reviewer pointed out some of
my mistakes dealing with the military (such as sergeants not being
referred to as "Sir") as well as my misunderstanding of President
Carter's pardon of the draft dodgers. This is what prompted me to write
this blog because when I looked up that information on the internet,
what I found out was what I used to proceed with my story. I needed to
get a draft dodger character back to the United States from Canada, so
when I found my answer, I proceeded. Since I was not looking into the
actual deeper meaning and history of the event, I felt that I didn't
have to research it any further.
I have no resentment toward the
reviewer. As a military and Vietnam veteran, his historical and
accurate knowledge of the events is indisputable. And he gave my novel
an otherwise glowing review, which is most important to me!
still feel okay with what I wrote and researched. My novel is for the
everyday reader, not the historian. Most readers would not even notice
these inconsistencies, but should I? I don't think so. What do you
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